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美国国家技术资讯局 www.ntis.gov

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美国国家技术资讯局全称为(National Technical Information Service)简称NTIS,研究报告包括项目进展过程中所做的一些初期报告、中期报告、Zhui终报告等,反映Zhui新政府重视的项目进展。该库75%的文献是科技报告,其它文献有专利、会议论文、期刊论文、翻译文献;25%的文献是美国以外的文献;90%的文献是英文文献。专业内容覆盖科学技术各个领域。
The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) is an agency within the United States Department of Commerce. The primary mission of NTIS is to collect and organize scientific, technical, engineering, and business information generated by U.S. Government-sponsored research and development, for private industry, government, academia, and the public. The systems, equipment, financial structure, and specialized staff skills that NTIS maintains to undertake its primary mission allow it to provide assistance to other agencies requiring such specialized resources.
Under the provisions of the National Technical Information Act of 1988 (15 U.S.C. 3704b), NTIS is authorized to establish and maintain a permanent repository of non-classified scientific, technical, and engineering information; cooperate and coordinate its operations with other Government scientific, technical, and engineering information programs; and implement new methods or media for the dissemination of scientific, technical, and engineering information, including producing and disseminating information products in electronic format and to enter into arrangements necessary for the conduct of its business.
NTIS serves the United St

This US Department of Commerce Web site is a central resource for government-funded scientific, technical, engineering and business related information throughout the US federal government.


1  美国(80.6%)
2  波多黎各(3.4%)

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  • 1 波兰国家图书馆
  • 2 大卫林氏地图收藏网
  • 3 AlchemyAPI供电的新智能经济
  • 4 波士顿公共图书馆
  • 5 俄罗斯国家图书馆
  • 6 William J. Clinton Foundation
  • 7 韩国国立中央图书馆
  • 8 瑞典国家图书馆
  • 9 California Digital Library
  • 10 埃及亚历山大图书馆

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