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俄罗斯国家图书馆 www.nlr.ru

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Investigate the various ages that comprise the history of the National Library of Russia.
1、The Principal Book Repository in Russia (1795 - 1813);
2、The New Temple of Enlightenment in St.-Petersburg (1814 - 1842);
3、The Arrival of Dmitry Buturlin as Director (1843 - 1849);
4、The Political Spring in Russia (1850 - 1859);
5、The "Modern Era": the Second Half of the 19th Century (1860 - 1899);
6、The Pre-Revolutionary Years (1900 - 1917);
7、The Period of the Civil War and Building a Socialist Economy (1918 - 1940);
8、The Years of the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945);
9、The Second Half of the 20th Century (1946 - 1995)。

Provides access to catalogues, indexes, electronic delivery service, information about services, publications, and activities of the library. Located in Saint Petersburg, Russia.


1  俄罗斯(68.4%)
2  德国(4.8%)
3  美国(3.1%)
4  荷兰(3.1%)
5  哈萨克斯坦(2.7%)

рнб библиотека подвиг народа национальная библиотека library

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:俄罗斯

  • 1 William J. Clinton Foundation
  • 2 韩国国立中央图书馆
  • 3 瑞典国家图书馆
  • 4 California Digital Library
  • 5 埃及亚历山大图书馆
  • 6 毫kitabxana
  • 7 世界数字图书馆
  • 8 英国自然历史博物馆官网
  • 9 Follett Software
  • 10 新加坡国家图书馆管理局

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