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The National Library of Sweden has been collecting virtually everything printed in Sweden or in Swedish since 1661. We have made the material available to the public, who can visit the library to request and read all the different types of texts.
The Department of Audiovisual Material (previously the Swedish National Archive of Recorded Sound and Moving Images) collects TV and radio programs, movies and videos distributed in Sweden, Swedish music and multimedia recordings.
The National Library is also a humanities research library that purchases scholarly literature in several languages. We coordinate services and programs for all research libraries in Sweden and administer and develop LIBRIS, the national library catalog system.
The National Library of Sweden is a state agency. We are a staff of about 400 and our offices are in Stockholm.

Provides news, information on the librarys activity, facilities and services, along with references for the general public, libraries, publishers, and mass media. Located in Stockholm.


1  瑞典(78.9%)
2  意大利(3.1%)
3  芬兰(2.5%)
4  美国(1.7%)
5  伊朗(0.8%)

codex gigas libris kb.se kb kungliga biblioteket

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:瑞典

  • 1 California Digital Library
  • 2 埃及亚历山大图书馆
  • 3 毫kitabxana
  • 4 世界数字图书馆
  • 5 英国自然历史博物馆官网
  • 6 Follett Software
  • 7 新加坡国家图书馆管理局
  • 8 克利夫兰州立大学学习
  • 9 版权许可专家版权结算中心
  • 10 伊朗国家图书馆和档案组织

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