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Cityfreq(cityfreq.com) Cityfreq
数据库的扫描频率在全国成千上万的城市。Database of old scanner frequencies for thousands of cities across the country...

点击(1918) 排名(13247481)

f5ad T(f5ad.free.fr) f5ad T
安德烈Ducros解释ATV中继器和方法从438MHz活跃在ATV10GHz,并提供数据表在业余电视和短波天线。法国。(英语/法语)Andre Ducros explains ATV repeaters and methods to be active in ATV f..

点击(3141) 排名(10068463)

dxcoffee.com(dxcoffee.com) dxcoffee.com
一个在线业余无线电杂志致力于dx和争夺。(意大利语和英语)An online ham radio magazine devoted to DXing and contesting. [Italian and English]..

点击(4331) 排名(7482856)

陆军无线电销售公司(armyradio.com) 陆军无线电销售公司
致力于军事无线电和硬件,其他军事项目,和军用车辆。除了销售,提供照片、文章和论坛。Devoted to military radios and their hardware, other military items, and military vehicles. In..

点击(2476) 排名(6981465)

amfone(amfone.net) amfone
的存在是为了促进和服务是社区的需要。包括我媒体/交换在线出版,调频广播邮件反射器。Exists to promote and serve the needs of the AM community. Includes AM Press/Exchange Online p..

点击(2475) 排名(5855599)

DXSoft(dxsoft.com) DXSoft
收集的Windows业余无线电终端、日志记录、连续波和其他软件。Collection of Windows ham radio terminal, logging, CW and other software...

点击(1893) 排名(3298393)

CQ—(cq-amateur-radio.com) CQ—
与业余无线电有关的新闻和文章。包括链接、俱乐部和作家指导的列表。News and articles pertaining to ham radio. Includes links, list of clubs and writers guide...

点击(2450) 排名(2806041)

年利率:自动分组报告系统(aprs.org) 年利率:自动分组报告系统
包含链接,下载和地图的活动在美国。Contains links, downloads and maps of activity in the United States...

点击(2465) 排名(2462228)

D-StarUsers.org Your Source for D-Star Digital Amateur Radio Information!(dstarusers.org) D-StarUsers.org Your Source for D-Star Digital Amateur Radio Information!
提供了一个中继器目录,目前/最后听到活动,中继器目录和论坛。Offers a repeater directory, current/last heard activity, repeater directory and forum...

点击(2374) 排名(2325353)

the worlds biggest 11-meter radio ...(cluster.dk) the worlds biggest 11-meter radio ...
通知客房DX活动在你的部门通过电子邮件和互联网。Be notified of 11-meter DX activity in your sector via e-mail and the internet...

点击(3160) 排名(2259278)

ac6v(ac6v.com) ac6v
功能覆盖700业余无线电132页和132联系,DX,SWL主题。Features 132+ pages and 6000+ links covering 700+ ham radio, DX, and SWL topics...

点击(2270) 排名(2176080)

edebris.com(edebris.com) edebris.com
通过品牌手册和图表。接受手册包含在存档。Manuals and schematics by brand name. Accepts manuals for inclusion in the archive...

点击(2090) 排名(1926133)

ab4ojva7oj(ab4oj.com) ab4ojva7oj
亚当花臣与链接,经验和意见,和设备的建议。Adam Farson with links, experiences and opinions, and equipment tips...

点击(2406) 排名(1848156)

CB Tricks(cbtricks.com) CB Tricks
完整的指南diyCB无线电的修改。Complete guide for do-it-yourself CB radio modifications...

点击(2353) 排名(1673178)

DXing.com(dxing.com) DXing.com
纲要的无线电监测信息,包括一般初学者信息,国际广播新闻,和资源监控各类爱好者,包括业余无线电。Compendium of radio monitoring information, including general beginners information, int..

点击(2215) 排名(1626432)

dstarinfo.com(dstarinfo.com) dstarinfo.com
致力于帮助D-STAR用户,与基本的详细的技术信息。提供常见问题,网列表,产品评论和链接。Dedicated to helping D-STAR users, with basic to detailed technical information. Offers FA..

美国 点击(2151) 排名(1439499)

亚洲广播电视广播(asiawaves.net) 亚洲广播电视广播
目录和频率列表的电台和电视台在南亚和东南亚。Directory and frequency listings of radio and television stations in South and Southeast Asia...

点击(2819) 排名(1393522)

duncanamps.com(duncanamps.com) duncanamps.com
许多管数据搜索、线图和替代品。包括图表链接。Data search, pin-outs and substitutes for many tubes. Includes links to schematics...

点击(2101) 排名(1215912)

dx-world.net(dx-world.net) dx-world.net
提供DX新闻、博文、图片和电影。Provides DX news, guest posts, images and movies...

俄罗斯 点击(2232) 排名(1160948)

北美国的业余无线电爱好者卫星公司(amsat.org) 北美国的业余无线电爱好者卫星公司
业余无线电卫星通信信息。也可用开普勒元素在几个格式,每周更新一次。Information regarding amateur radio satellite communications. Also available are Keplerian elements in..

点击(2484) 排名(1065839)

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