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Easy Roommate(easyroommate.com) 一些美国城市的匹配服务。免费预览的可能性。Matching service for some US cities. Free to preview possibilities...
flatshare.com(flatshare.com) 平清单房间出租和室友分享门户从几个英国站点Flat share portal listing rooms for rent and roommates from several UK sites..
宠物狗品种信息大全(dogbreedinfo.com) 提供了一个列表的狗适合公寓生活。每个品种与详细描述。Provides a list of dog breeds suited to apartment living. Each breed is linked to a detailed description. D..
The Australian Flatmates Directory(flatmates.com.au) 在澳大利亚住宿机构提供屏幕前潜在的室友,或者广告份额住宿。Accommodation agency in Australia offering to pre screen potential flatmates, or advertise share accommoda..
家庭公寓装饰分享博客(apartmenttherapy.com) 帮助人们使家园更美丽,有组织和健康通过连接他们的财富资源,想法和在线社区。Helping people make their homes more beautiful, organized and healthy by connecting them to a weal..