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苹果应用快速搜索网是一个可以帮助苹果用户无需访问iTunes商店就可以快速找到各种应用的应用搜索引擎网站,大家都知道苹果商店是不能预览各种应用的,Fnd.io搜索就是一个不错的选择了,你可以通过关键词来搜索想要的应用,查找速度很快。提供应用程序搜索、音乐搜索、电影电视搜索、书籍搜索、支持Youtube视频搜索,当然还有很多用户关注的博客搜索,除了搜索显示内容外,你也可以通过筛选的方式来区分免费和收费、Zhui新、热门的内容。这个要比官方的搜索功能强大的多。Fnd.io is undoubtedly the best way to browse or search the iTunes store, and it improves on that with a few tight integrations with third party services. There is a bookmarklet to turn any iTunes web link into a Fnd.io link, which you may prefer for sharing. There’s another bookmarklet to search Fnd.io from anywhere. The service also offers a highly useful workflow for automation app Alfred, plus it also works with Launch Center Pro – another app that belongs on your homepage.
内容提要:Experience the App Store and iTunes Anywhere with fnd......