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在线免费开源web字体是一个基于网站字体快速加载和使用的开源项目,提供丰富的字体样式和优秀的CND加速机制,用户直接调用字体库即可应用于自己的网站上去,可以很方便的改版字体样式、字体大小。在互联网时代,尤其是对网站开发人员来说,网站排版和字体的工作量也是非常大的,除了设定字体的样式和大小外,还需要注重字体的加载速度,为了能够提高网站字体使用率和易用性,提供免费开源的字体库和快速的CDN加载机制,帮助开发者无需修改字体样式就可以很广泛的与浏览器兼容,所有的梯子都是WOFF压缩格式。In the age of the Internet, we've found ourselves in yet another typographic battle. In an effort to speed up loading times, we've compressed fonts, and along the way, we've lost the majority of the quality of rendered type.Let's change that. The fonts served by Brick are clones of the original, converted without modification to WOFF format for high quality rendering and fast loading across all modern browsers.
内容提要:Brick is an open-source webfont service that serves fonts in their original form for high quality rendering across all......