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在线服务条款分析组织是一个针对互联网服务商的服务条款的揭发和维护用户权益的平台,提倡用户阅读互联网服务条款,认清自己的合法权益,很多服务条款内容太长,用户几乎不去阅读,因此该平台就对各大互联网企业的服务条款进行评级,以确保用户了解Zhui重要的服务条款。很多互联网公司的服务条款都是不严谨和缺乏公平性的,有的条款逃避责任,违犯用户隐私权,平台是一个非营利性的组织,他们所有的工作都是透明的,专门研究服务条款内容,并启用法律机制进行分析,Zhui早把各种服务条款的利弊公布到网络上,提供给用户阅读和使用。“Terms of Service; Didn't Read” (short: ToS;DR) is a young project started in June 2012 to help fix the “biggest lie on the web”: almost no one really reads the terms of service we agree to all the time.Background. The rough idea behind ToS;DR emerged during the 2011 Chaos Communication Camp near Berlin, with people fromUnhosted a movement to create web apps that give users control over their valuable user data and privacy. Since June 2012,Hugo Roy (@hugoroyd) has taken the lead for the project, and started the legal analysis. Ultimately, all the work is transparent and the discussions happen in public. Our work is funded by non-profits organisations and individual donations and gets released asfree software and open data.Please bear in mind that the project is still in the early phase and that most data is subject to important changes. More information about our classification.What does “ToS;DR” mean? the name is inspired by internet acronym TL;DR which stands for "Too Long; Didn't Read" and is often used on blogs and emails when a block of text is just really long and that people are too lazy to read the whole stuff. It was intended more as a code na