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在线音乐发现之旅试听网 www.forgotify.com

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is a Web app dedicated to delivering the unloved and undiscovered tracks no one has yet played on Spotify. There are — or at least were before people started using — 4 million tracks that have never been played, not even once. That’s 20 percent of the whole Spotify catalog that has racked up zero plays. Which is rather depressing when you think about it. Especially for the artists concerned.
has pulled together these never-heard-on-Spotify songs, delivering them one at a time to those who are interested in something other than the Justin Biebers and Miley Cyruses of the world. To have never been played once means the tracks are usually obscure and/or sung in a language other than English.


1  美国(39.6%)
2  英国(14.6%)

forgotify spotify play spotify player spotify songs never played

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