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社交内容发现及分享平台是一个支持200个社交网络的书签分享工具网站,汇集了互联网中各大知名媒体的分享应用,你可以通过安装这个插件实现在这些网站上面进行书签的分享或信息的分享。是一个社会化书签集成Firefox插件。集成了Digg、FaceBook、Google BookMarks、Reddit、StumbleUpon、Twitter等目前主流的书签服务和网络服务。所谓的分享工具就是指在浏览器上提供一个按钮,按一下按钮之后就可以直接把你目前正在浏览的网页转贴到twitter、Facebook、噗浪..等社群网站,或透过Gmail、Yahoo!信箱、Hotmail等邮件收发服务转寄,甚至还可支援各式各样的部落格服务、书签网站与有的没的分享网站…等等,对于喜欢分享的人来说,这类工具真的相当方便。 is transforming the way we read, discover and share content on the web.Founded in 2008, has quickly grown from a "nights and weekends" project to a fast-growing VC backed company that today is the leader in making content discovery & sharing on the web a simple, delightful and elegant experience for readers while providing powerful tools to content publishers to measure, analyze and improve the effectiveness of their content to drive even more visibility, traffic, leads and views.Through web browser extensions, open platform APIs, and one of the largest and fastest growing networks of content publishers, reaches over 350 million people across every continent each month. Or put another way, if was a country, it’d be the 4th largest country in the world.