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美国职位就业搜索引擎 www.bright.com

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美国职位就业搜索引擎是一个基于数据分析的职位搜索服务,通过特殊算法(algorithmic approach)将求职者的请求与招聘岗位配对。针对每个岗位,系统会根据求职者的自身条件进行打分,这样会让求职者明白他们在选择某一项岗位时的竞争优势有多大。

was started in February 2011. For 18 months we conducted what we believe to be the largest resume to job description study in history. The study included over 2.8 million resumes, 8.6 million job seekers, hundreds of recruiters and HR professionals, and a team of 15 data scientists and engineers. The data from this research endeavor was used to build the Score, which launched on June 19, 2012.
The Score is able to look at hundreds of features on a resume in an instant, allowing us to analyze and score a holistic view of a candidate in the time it would take a human evaluator to absorb at most a couple of words. So we can immediately identify the candidates who are fit to move forward at a comprehensive level that could only be matched if a recruiter spent an hour on every single resume.




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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 得克萨斯州达拉斯市SoftLayer科技公司

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