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在线公开课题库搜索引擎是一个可以通过互联网来搜索各大院校公布的课程试题,例如代数、几何、积分、生物学、物理、化学等课题,都是有知名院校的老师分享的教学试题。Hundreds of amazing teachers post educational videos online every day. At Glean, we’ve structured and organized these videos, tagged them by educational standard, and wrapped them in interactive tools (like Q&A and practice exercises). We’ve even built technology to pick the ideal teacher for the student based on his/her learning style and ability.Our technology works by pairing students with the best lessons for them. Together our team of teachers have watched these lessons, studying and collecting a number of details on every lesson – setting, pace, teaching style, grade level, and more!With Glean, students discover lessons by searching or browsing directly within a subject. Once a topic is chosen, Glean will quickly scan and analyze all the teachers within that topic to find those who match a student’s learning style closest. And if the video is not quite right for them, tell Glean and it gets better.We’re a small team with a big vision, and we believe everyone, everywhere deserves a free world-class education. We’re a group of technologists and schoolteachers from the same team that created SchoolRack, a leading learning management system.
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