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Agile excellence requires continuous learning and exploration. Many resources exist to support this journey—but an equal number may hinder it. How do you find what is truly useful? The answer is to ask another agilist.
.Net is a library of agile-related resources built by agile practitionersfor agile practitioners. This website provides a library of books, blogs, articles, white papers, videos, slide shows, free tools, groups, community forums, and other resources that a change agent may find useful for a deeper understanding of Agile, and for his or her own personal development as an agile practitioner and coach.
Participating agilists maintain personal lists of recommendations, and the visitor can browse these lists, view resources by category or level of experience, or search for specific terms.
The aim of this website is to get you off this website—onto bookseller sites, youtube, twitter, blogs, interactive forums, live meetups and anywhere else where you can learn more about the craft of Agile software development, and its related fields.

内容提要:A library of Agile books, media and other resources for Agile, Lean and Scrum practitioners...




agile library joanne scrimmer people's scrum the peoples scrum

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