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在线可视化数学演算平台 www.mathdisk.com

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在线可视化数学演算平台 直达网站 直达网站


Create your own worksheets to visualize, interact with and explore the amazing world of mathematics. online is absolutely free for everyone. Use Drag-and-Drop expressions to easily build graphs, enrich your math worksheet with image effects and videos, easily share or embed worksheets online, and use step-by-step animation to demystify complex math concepts.
We found the leading Mathematical products lacking in simplicity, devoid of collaboration features and not suited to run on tablet devices. Some of these tools worked great for mathematical research and high end computing but retrofitted to meet the educational objectives.
So we aimed to make things better by building a software specifically intended for teaching and collaboration from the ground-up. With our expert team working on diverse areas such as creating custom languages, data visualization programming, mobile application development and Java based cloud solutions, aims to secure a position at the forefront of the technologies that are transforming the educational industry.

内容提要:MathDisk can help you in the following ways. Publishers We can integrate MathDisk into your publishing platform to deliver multimedia-rich interactive version of your ......



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