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在线语言多媒体实验平台 www.lab.schoolshape.com

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Learning a new language is never an easy thing - especially if it is the first attempt at a second language. But here is an educational language lab application the provides a great way for language students and teachers to get together online and practice their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Schoolshape lets teachers individually oversee each of their students' work and students of all levels can build and submit their portfolio of work simply and easily making this one of the better online language lab apps available.
Schoolshape Language Lab is a user-friendly and comprehensive solution to the difficulty of online language learning that offers great benefits to both teachers and students. Teachers can view and control students' screens to supervise and coach while students can build a portfolio of work demonstrating improvement in their language skills over time. Under the guidance of the teacher, students can communicate and collaborate to support each other’s learning and form small groups to practice their speaking skills with each other. Students can sign in with their Twitter or Fa

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1  美国(100.0%)

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