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美国影视媒体杂志 www.pastemagazine.com

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Paste is a leading online destination for pop-culture enthusiasts, covering music, movies, TV, books, videogames, gadgets, apps, beer, comics and just about anything else we find interesting. In less than a decade, the site has grown to more than 2.5 million unique monthly visitors, thanks to readers hungry for authenticity and creativity. This highly engaged and devoted audience (including 180,000+ Twitter followers) looks to .com to discover the Best of What’s Next in music, film, books, games and television.
Over our 10-year history, the website and its former print companion (published 2002-2010) have won numerous awards, including three National Magazine Award nominations for general excellence, dozens of Plug, Folio and Gamma Awards and endorsements from folks like USA Today, The NY Daily News and the Wall Street Journal, who called Paste “the finest among American music titles.” The magazine was moved online in 2011. Now weekly, each issue comes with at least seven free mp3 downloads, exclusive video and the same longform writing about entertainment that made Utne say, “Paste brings together the best elements of the mainstream and indie press.”


1  美国(46.0%)
2  印度(7.3%)
3  英国(4.9%)
4  加拿大(3.0%)
5  墨西哥(2.1%)

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