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国际设计作品展示平台 www.designanddesign.com

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"I realised that it is much easier for us designers to create things than to make a name for ourselves. So I decided to offer our community a simple yet powerful tool,completely free of charge, to free us from the monopoly of mainstream media and,at long last, let us speak for ourselves. This is how the Design and Design project got started.
I chose the name Design and Design because there are many types of design and designer out there and they all deserve recognition. Our field involves work in both 2D and 3D, and all designers share the same goal: bring to life what we see in our mind's eye.
Every day since 1 January 2008, the home page of .com is entirely dedicated to two projects, one in graphic design and the other in product or packaging design.The common denominator here is quality. They are featured with direct links so you can
share them with others, contact the authors or discover the full range of their talent.Already a reference in more than 160 countries, this tool is now being extended to a non-virtual application: every year, all awarded projects are published in The Design and Design Book of the Year *.
In its pages, whether virtual or physical, the Design and Design project offers evidence of the unlimited possibilities of



graphic job design and design job designer design and design

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  • 3 在线知识资源测验平台
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  • 7 在线产品包装设计博客
  • 8 生物学科学杂志
  • 9 在线影视特效交流论坛
  • 10 在线汽车蓝图设计论坛

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