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可穿戴式音乐装备开发平台 www.drumpants.com

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可穿戴式音乐装备开发平台 直达网站 直达网站

可穿戴式音乐装备开发平台是一个把音乐设备安装穿戴到身上的可穿戴式乐器,可以把你的腿变成能发出 100 多种声音的一整支乐队。你可以戴耳机玩 ,也可以运用外部扬声器。该系统还可以通过编程用“拍打”执行其他操作,比如为手机静音,或者是控制幻灯片。

配有控制盒和传感器带。系统自带的控制盒使每个传感器可以通过编程发出 100 多种内置的声音,包括鼓、吉他、钢琴等,用户也可以添加自己的声音。音符和信号可以通过无线从 发送到任何支持 MIDI 或 OSC 的应用中。
World's first industrial quality wearable musical instrument. Watch someone play it to believe it.
Play whenever inspiration strikes.
Traditional instruments can’t be replaced, but they have not kept up with our increasingly mobile, on-the-go lifestyles. We want you to play anywhere, from jamming with friends to performing live on stage.
Our kit comes with 100+ built-in sounds, including drums, percussion, synthesizers, guitars, pianos, or make your own.
Send notes and signals from the to any app that accepts MIDI or OSC.Loop and Layer Beats
All the functionality of a looping pedal, built into your shoe! Control looping apps like Loopy (iPad) with the foot pedal sensor. Customize different gestures to control different parts of the software:
One tap: start looping. Two taps: overdub. Three taps: delete loop
Program additional actions, such as controlling slideshow presentations, silencing your phone, remote control your Netflix and YouTube with a simple tap.



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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市AWS有限公司EC2云服务器5号云机房

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