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智能手机照片美化管理应用 www.hey.co

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Heyday 是一款帮你整理自己的记忆的应用。内置 18 种滤镜和五十多种布局,Heyday 会自动把同一时间、同一地点的照片通过各种滤镜和布局自动整理出来,你也可以在上面添加备注。同时,你还可以根据 app 内置的日历查看特定日期附近的事件,当然你可以根据地点查询在某个地点附近发生的事。
Heyday 也是一款帮你回顾过往的 app。Heyday 有着非常优美的 timeline 显示,通过上下的滑动,你可以回顾Zhui近或者多年前的记忆,只要是当时的照片存在手机中。并且Heyday 的滤镜和拼贴也是一个大杀器,Heyday 会根据地点和时间向你推送它认为适合浏览的回忆。比如说,当你时隔五年来到北京的某个酒吧,Heyday 便会向你推送五年前那个夜晚的照片。当然,Heyday 里也会自动显示多年前的今天的照片。
Heyday 还是一款围绕着个人的 app。如果你允许,它可以在地点变更时提醒你写日记记录当天的行程,以便日后回顾。从这个角度来说,通过 Heyday 你既能自动也手动的记录自己的生活。当然,在算法的帮助下,经过拼接和滤镜后的照片往往令人爱不释手,因而你还可以把他们分享到社交网络上,或者直接单独传给他人。
Effortless Journaling - Heyday transforms the photos and videos on your iPhone into a beautiful journal, presenting you with a delightful way to rediscover your most important memories. And since life happens when you least expect it, Heyday automatically chronicles the places you go and the things you see so you’ll never forget a meaningful place or moment again.
Beautiful Memories - Heyday is the easiest and fastest way to craft beautiful memories the way you want to remember them, with more than 50 unique collage layouts and 18 beautiful photo filters exclusive to Heyday. And with just a single tap, you can add your thoughts or include friends to make your memories complete.
Delightful Discovery - Don’t let all your best memories go to waste by putting them away in a shoebox! Heyday will surprise and delight you by surfacing your best memories for every anniversa



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