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在线数字杂志杂志平台是一家致力于数字互动杂志杂志和发行的网站,提供基于HTML5在线技术的杂志内容制作,用于创建数字互动内容,包括杂志、电子书籍、报告、宣传册和相册等。Joomag 平台拥有极佳的阅读体验功能,每一款读物都是经过精心设计而成,用户可以直接在线阅读,适合于多平台浏览是商业用户和产品宣传推广人员必备的工具之一,尤其是阅读模式,支持在线翻页效果,友好的阅读体验可以帮助你推广自己的产品和产品理念。Joomag is the first innovative service for digital interactive magazine publishing and hosting. It features a powerful platform for creating digital interactive content, including magazines, e-books, catalogs, reports, brochures and photo albums, and delivers an exceptional reading experience to users thanks to the carefully designed online viewer with realistic flipping effects and user friendly magnifying and panning features.