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跨平台免费文件分享工具是一款跨平台的多平台文件分享工具,支持iPhone、iPad、iPod Touch、Android平台,还支持通过电脑浏览器来发送文件到各系统设备上去,方便省事,所发送的文件Zhui高支持1TB.移动设备之间发送分享文件就不用说了,这里输一下通过浏览器来发送文件到各移动设备上去,打开SendItz官方网站,可以发送照片、视频和文档等各类型文件,同时还支持离线下载,上传的文件暂时保存在服务器上,单文件Zhui高100G。SendItz enables you to send, share, and store all types of content for FREE. Your photos, videos, and documents can be shared across your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, other devices, and any computer visiting http:// via a web browser. Store a copy on our servers, to be accessed on-the-fly from any of your devices, or else you can download to your device for fast offline access.