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在线虚拟大学旅游参观网 www.youvisit.com

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Prospective students and their family members often lack the time and money to travel to every campus they would like to visit. 's proprietary technologies make it easy for you to reach them - no matter where they are in the world - to experience the next-best thing: virtual college tours uses its proprietary technologies to develop affordable virtual campus visits for colleges and universities, enabling prospective students and their families to explore campuses online.
As the only technology company that provides campus virtual tour technology, we are recognized nationwide as a leader in the field. Unlike traditional college tours, our Virtual Visits feature walking tours with rich-media, video content and 360-degree panoramic views. Our interactive, three-dimensional virtual visits stimulate visitor engagement and interest while driving physical college campus visit, inquiries, applications, and enrollment for our partner schools.
Virtual Visits: The Next Best Thing to Being There
In addition, we help our partner schools distribute their virtual university tours directly to prospective students, wherever they are online:
1、Your EDU Website: 3D walking tours wit


1  美国(56.5%)
2  中国(10.3%)
3  印度(5.5%)
4  意大利(3.0%)
5  加拿大(2.3%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:韩国 首尔亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

  • 1 商务社交履历表制作工具
  • 2 建筑行业工作管理工具
  • 3 魔漫相机手机漫画制作应用
  • 4 免费iOS7苹果手机壁纸网
  • 5 基于图片的娱乐博客
  • 6 开源MiNiPC硬件开发平台
  • 7 抠电影
  • 8 洋码头
  • 9 在线临时文件分享平台
  • 10 在线数字化内容分享网

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