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在线API模拟设计网是一个帮助设计师们快速设计API对接代码的工具,使用该工具设计师可以在30分钟内快速的生成一个设计精良、具有完美UI的API模版。平台具有协同设计、即时API模拟、快速生成源码、自动测试和代码调试的开源设计工具,Zhui重要的是可以在线模拟测试,因为该平台具备模拟服务器测试服务,可以把设计好的程序在线测试、验证。Apiary helps you build beautiful APIs with collaborative design, instant API mock, generated documentation, integrated code samples, debugging and automated testing. Apiary is powerful, open sourced and developer-friendly. As easy as writing Markdown, but comes with a mock server, tests, validations, code samples and your language bindings.A server mock is a quick way to experiment with an API – even before you start writing code. Two clicks will link Apiary to a repository of your choice. It’s up to you whether you make the API Blueprint private or public and let community to contribute. They update your doc on each commit, and they push commits to the repo whenever you update your documentation at Apiary.