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在线电子书编辑发布平台 www.papyruseditor.com

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is a simple but powerful online editor that lets you create, design, publish and sell your ebook without your having to trudge the streets looking for break.
The kindle has been one of the big successes over the last year or so and I've lost count of the number of my friends who received one as a Christmas present this year.
There is no doubt that it is a growing market which is only going to get bigger. So, if you write a blog or a journal, don't you think the time is right to get involved with this new visual phenomenon and maybe even make some money on the side? The difficulty in the past has been the often costly and complicated setups but now there is an easier and much cheaper way of achieving your goal of shook publishing.



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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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