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世界权威CG视频教程网 www.thegnomonworkshop.com

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世界权威CG视频教程网是世界权威的CG视频网站. 他们在CG视频教程中是高质量的代名词,市面上的CG视频教程,就有一半是他们录制的,他们定期邀请全世界的顶尖CG艺术家来为他们制作CG视频教程,内容涵盖面非常广。

出品的游戏与动画角色手绘教程在网络上有很多,喜欢或者正在学习3D CG设计的用户可以尝试着寻找一些这方面的视频教程学习一番。
The Gnomon Workshop, the industry leader in professional training for artists in the entertainment and design industries. Founded by Alex Alvarez in 2000, The Gnomon Workshop was launched as a means to share professional techniques with artists who could not attend the hands-on courses offered at the Gnomon School of Visual Effects in Hollywood, California.
Over the past nine years, the Gnomon Workshop DVD library has expanded to offer training by over sixty professional instructors on a diverse range of tools, software and media including design, drawing, sculpture, painting, modeling, texturing, animation, effects and compositing. Shipped to literally every corner of the globe, our DVDs can be found in countless libraries, studios and universities... and on many thousand bookshelves.


1  美国(19.2%)
2  日本(6.8%)
3  英国(5.9%)
4  印度(5.2%)
5  俄罗斯(4.1%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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