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免费乐队音乐分享网 www.unsignedbandweb.com

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他们不但制作榜单展示热门曲目,更神奇的是几乎你能相像得到的音乐风格在这里都能找 到。在这里看来显然电子乐很流行。也许我还是会坚持按风格进行浏览,不管怎么说这里有“好几吨重”的免费mp3可以下载。
The Unsigned Band Web is an online music community for unsigned bands to showcase their songs and develop a following. Bands can sign up by creating an artist page and uploading songs, videos, images, and band news.
Founded by Ron Dillehay in early 2004, the Unsigned Band Web is home to over 12,000 unsigned bands and over 15,000 songs. Visitors can listen to bands, rate and comment on songs, and chat in the music forums. The Unsigned Band Web also syndicates all of their songs through a network of sites that include the Unsigned Band Web stations directly on their own home page. Since launch, the Unsigned Band Web has streamed over 11,000,000 songs to over 172 countries.
The Unsigned Band Web offers extensive song charts for all genres of music. Each time a visitor plays a song, the play is tracked and counts towards increasing the status of the song in the charts. An active group of moderators pick songs from several genres each month to feature on the home page.
The Unsigned Band Web offers the majority of its services for free. Bands that wish to upload more than 2-3 songs can sign up for a premium account for a few dollars a month.



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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国

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