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在线应用开发基础课教学网 www.onemonthrails.com

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用户注册之后就能够在One Month Rails上面学习编码,不过不需要像在Codecademy或者Learn The Hard Way上面那样接受全面的课程。相反,用户只需要学习开发他们心目中的成品所需的基础知识。目前该公司提供Ruby On Rails课程,未来其课程还将覆盖Python、JavaScript等编程语言。
One Month Rails 是一个在线编程教学网站,只需 49 美元,就能在一个月内学会用 Ruby On Rails 做出一个 Web 应用。同 Codeacademy 或者 Udacity 这类网站相比,One Month Rails 更偏重实用性(虽然前两者相较传统教学已经很实用了),目标就是教新手快速做出原型,不管有多粗糙。
This class is for absolute beginners. It's meant to be an easy to follow, introductory class for total beginners or people with little to no experience coding. Don't worry if you don't know what the command line or a text editor is. That’s what I’m here for!
There's roughly 6 hours of content split over one month. If you focus you should be able to complete the course pretty quickly. Some students have reported finishing the class in a weekend. Realistically, if you set aside 2 hours a week, it should take about a month to finish.
Presenting the Easiest Way Ever Developed to Learn to Code: A Step-by-Step Guide
Do you know why developers get paid on average $120,000 or more at some of the world's fastest growing companies?
It's because developers are harder to find than ever before.
I realized this because I had an idea for a product. I waited for years hoping to find that magical person who would build it for me. But I never found that person.
So finally I took a friend's advice and started learni



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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市AWS有限公司EC2云服务器8号云机房

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  • 4 实时聊天邮件收发应用
  • 5 在线二手设备交易平台
  • 6 基于安卓智能儿童机器人
  • 7 在线服装租赁试穿平台
  • 8 在线女士服饰租赁平台
  • 9 物流信息查询API开发平台
  • 10 企业员工移民管理平台

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