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实时聊天邮件收发应用 www.letshum.com

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HUM, simply redefining the inbox one chat at a time.
Introducing HUM
Are you ready to work together in harmony? To have a useful new tool that powers immediate responses, organizes your important conversations, and simplifies messages in a cleaner, smarter design? HUM is transforming the idea of the inbox to a place where conversations happen clearly and easily. The best part: HUM is easy to use no matter where we are or who's currently using the product. Finally teams can collaborate in real time, enjoying an organized experience that enhances communication.
Here's how it works
HUM features a simple, beautiful design that makes conversations as readable and organized as possible. Getting a new chat started is simple. Just add who you want to send it to and add a topic.
After you hit Start, your chat is seen as a topic in a list of other chats, and it's updated immediately across all of your devices. Unlike email, when you're in a chat, you can easily see who is there, and who is about to say something. Everything in HUM functions in real time.
No more waiting and wondering if your message will receive a response. With HUM, you'll know when someone is typing - and an average of how much -



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