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美国商业地产投资众筹平台 www.realcrowd.com

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is a real estate technology company. We are a team composed of the best from both worlds. Adam Hooper, CEO, has spent the last ten years working with a wide spectrum of real estate professionals including operators, lenders, investors, developers and institutional clients. After founding two prior national platforms for brokerage, consulting and joint venture equity investments, he realized the current market system was highly innefficient and in need of a technical overhaul. Roman Rosario, CMO, has spent the greater part of the last decade as a partner at one of the industry’s leading commercial real estate investment firms, playing an integral role in over $2 billion in commercial real estate transactions. JD Conley, CTO, is a 15 year technology veteran.
He’s a serial entrepreneur with technical expertise in scalable software, security, performance and analytics having developed software ranging from newspaper advertising transaction processing, to video games to government grade secure messaging. Andy Norborg, CSA, has over 13 years experience as a full-stack developer on a variety of platforms and is passionate about building products the focus on customer and user needs and using the technology the best meets those needs. Together, our team is focused on breaking down the walls to commercial real estate investment by p


1  美国(42.4%)
2  印度(40.8%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 加利福尼亚州旧金山市CloudFlare公司CDN节点

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