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基于浏览器文本编辑工具 www.textevo.com

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基于浏览器文本编辑工具 直达网站 直达网站


TextEVO is a free online text editing and manipulation tool. The tool makes light work of extracting and cleaning text from various sources - including your favorite websites. TextEVO is integrated with Flickr and automatically changes the background image to reflect the content in the text!
Through the clean easy to use interface, load or type some text into the main area. Select text modding actions from the menu. A spread of actions are categorized under REMOVE, REPLACE, INSERT or SORT text. Any selected action is performed instantaneously across all (potentially thousands of) lines of text.
This tool is web based and does not require any software to be installed. All text processing is done locally and stored on the user's web browser device. Additional features include real time line/word/character count, display of top 10 most used words, an undo/redo function and good looking image backgrounds which change every 30 seconds or so based on the content within your text!

内容提要:TextEVO - Free online automatic text extraction and manipulation tool. Just drag and drop a web site URL or file (PDF, WORD, HTML, etc.) into your...

textevo -免费的在线文本自动提取和操作工具。只需拖放网址或文件(PDF,Word,HTML等)到您的...


1  西班牙(86.5%)

textevo text manipulation online text manipulator

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 加利福尼亚州弗里蒙特市Linode公司

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