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在线计算器工具集合 www.numerics.info

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在线计算器工具集合 直达网站 直达网站


Numerics Calculator免费的在线工具在国内不太适合,而且无法访问,如需要的用户可以使用代理工具来访问。
Numerics Calculator is fast and very user-friendly application to make your calculations easier and faster. It is the leading solution on Chrome Web Store for variety of both simple and complex calculations.
Calculator provides a number of powerful features that differentiates it from old standard Windows/Mac/Unix built-in calculators:
Enjoy the application with powerful interface.
Large input box shows your results in the same time, so you just minimize interruptions and focus on what needs to be performed instantaneously.
Keep history of your calculations.
All your calculations will be stored in an editable history panel. Moreover, you can add comments to the results.
Use all those missing common math functions.
For instance, apply one of these famous functions - sin(x), cos(x), sqrt(x), etc. Or even use powerful function shortcuts like a^b, a!, #a, a%b.
Do you want to enjoy calculator directly from your browser?
Add a lightweight extension version - Calc.
Program yourself and achieve even better performance for an individual cases.
If you like scripting, empower your Calculator with any custom functions and variables using JavaScript. Just click wrench icon to view or edit your functions.
Convert values with powerful build-in converter.
Works even if you are offline.
Stores all your data (history,


1  美国(62.8%)
2  巴基斯坦(6.7%)
3  印度(5.9%)

numerics calculater numerical calculator numerica caculator

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉县山景市谷歌公司

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