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全球创意众筹融资平台 www.ipledg.com

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iPledg is a broad based, global crowd funding platform for individuals, companies and organizations to raise funds from the crowd. Whether the projects are creative, commercial, charitable or community focused, iPledg is the ideal platform on which to post a project and engage your network to pledge their support.
“Crowd Funding” describes the collective effort of individuals who network and pool their resources, usually via the internet, to support efforts initiated by other people or organizations. It is one of the fastest growing forms of e-commerce on the planet, filling the gap at the bottom of the funding ladder to allow great ideas to get off the groun.
Crowd Funding allows everyone with an idea or a project the ability to raise the money they need to bring their projects to life. Money raised through crowd funding does not involve loans that need to be repaid, or the surrender of equity in your idea or organisation. Most of all, it is a fast, flexible, and proven way of raising funds from “the crowd”.

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:澳大利亚

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