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I really like the two rules that Soulmix sets for its users. Anything related to living a good life is fine but... don't be an asshole. Soulmix is a news and lifestyle social search engine with benefits. It gives you a place to share the beauties of life and discuss and ask questions about the important things that matter in life. You can share websites and photos and add and vote on both yours and others' posts. Earn karma votes when you post or have a comment upvoted by another member of the community. Soulmix wants you not only to have a good life yourself...but they also want you to share it with the community!
Soulmix only really cares about one thing. How do you live a good life? This may sound like a simple question but life is anything but simple and we only get one life with so many questions and challenges to figure out. How do you determine your values? How do you set and go after your goals? How do you choose and manage your career? How do you balance work and life? How do you manage your relationships?
The list goes on! Fortunately, Soulmix is here to help. Soulmix is a community for sharing, discussing and curating the best content on living a good life. You can share anything that interests you with respect to living a good life. Share both images and websites and si

内容提要:Discover the services of , Blunham;Bedford ... Website designed and created by Georgia Garrod....



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