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互动式文字冒险游戏平台 www.playfic.com

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Playfic Zhui大的亮点在于每个人都可以注册一个账户然后使用 Inform 7 来创作和分享自己的“互动式小说”,这是一种易学而难精的自然语言,有详细的文档和实例,而且 Playfic 上所有的游戏都是可以查看源码的。总之,Playfic 更像是一个学习社区,让人们能从已有的游戏中获取灵感和技术来创作更棒的冒险故事。
Playfic is a platform for writing and playing interactive fiction.Interactive fiction (aka "text adventures") is a genre of game that uses no graphics or sound, but instead, uses text to tell a story in an interactive world.
Playfic is a way to write interactive fiction and publish it entirely on the web. Playfic uses a "natural language" programming language called Inform 7 that's easy to pick up and difficult to master. You're able to make your first simple game within minutes.



text based games interactive text storytelling games

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国

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