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美国LaFeeverte内衣品牌是成立于2009年的美国内衣品牌之一,La Fée Verte是一个追求时尚前卫的品牌,设计生产内衣及家居服等。设计理念顺应时代的发展,将“内衣外穿”作为设计标准之一,为女性提供具有个性化的、复杂的内衣。La Fee Verte 2009的内衣设计上大胆,丰富多彩,相比之下,La Fee Verte 2010年春夏的新款内衣,无论是从设计上还是风格上,都是更偏向成熟富有女人味,但也保留了以往La Fee Verte性感内衣的品质和豪华。在内衣行业发展壮大之后,设计师 Adam Sakara推出 La Fée Verte 系列,以此引领领先潮流的叠搭理念,重点关注将内衣打造成外衣的潮流趋势。La Fée Verte定位于渴望通过服装彰显性感、精致及个性的现代女性。每件服装均采用奢华面料精制而成,十分讲究细节,体现独特风格的同时,始终秉持简约美感。La Fée Verte launched in 2009 as a fashion-‐forward layering concept with a strong focus on innerwear as outerwear. The collection, designed by Adam Sakara, includes intimates, ready-to-wear, and accessories in a variety of sumptuous materials.La Fée Verte embodies the modern woman, whose lifestyle requires a certain level of sensuality, sophistication, and individuality in her wardrobe. Chic silhouettes, distinctive design details, and luxurious fabrics create a unique and feminine yet clean aesthetic.