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在线矢量剪贴画制作分享网是一个分享免费版的矢量剪切画素材的网站,同时也提供在线制作剪切画的工具,用户可以自己使用所有的资源。i2Clipart提供尺寸为64PX、128PX、256PX、512PX的图片素材,使用户能够下载多格式的剪贴矢量图像如SVG、PNG格式,SVG文件转换成自定义大小(PNG,JPG,PDF,EPS,PS)。按颜色搜索剪贴,编辑现有的剪贴画。i2Clipart is an online sharing network that allows users to create, share, and download royalty-free public domain vector clipart images.i2Clipart enable users to download cliparts as vector images (i.e., SVG) or high quality raster images (i.e., PNG) at predefined width (64px, 128px, 256px, 512px), search cliparts by color, edit existing clipart or even create a new one without leaving the website using an online svg drawing editor, and convert SVG file to custom size (png, jpg, pdf, eps, ps).All clipart images on i2Clipart.com are public domain images i.e., you can copy, modify, use personally or even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Users uploading cliparts on i2Clipart.com shall certify that they are in public domain.