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国际目录式B2B外贸搜索平台 www.kellysearch.com

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国际目录式B2B外贸搜索平台 直达网站 直达网站

国际目录式B2B外贸搜索平台是由英国的Reed Elsevier集团创办,  Kellysearch发起过catalog on-line项目,旨在将全球企业的公司宣传册和产品手册直接放置在网站上,供全球采购商查找和浏览。

英国的Reed Elsevier公司是全球Zhui大的商业展览公司,全年安排460个展览会,覆盖52个不同行业,每年参展商9万家,买家人数超过550万,包括建材、电子、电讯、科技、出版印刷、运动、家庭用品等行业。Reed亦是全球Zhui大的B2B杂志,刊物出版商。每年出版超过10000本不同行业的杂志及刊物。
在欧美的工商业中,Kellysearch享有很高的地位,首页有着类似Google一样的简洁入口和搜索条。 直接搜索结果是产品目录链接,包含匹配的供应商数量。
Kellysearch has come a long, long way in the last 200 years. And, thankfully, we've learnt a few things about business. But from our earliest beginnings as the Kelly's business directory, we’ve managed to successfully evolve and change to remain focussed on what matters the most – delivering the right results for Kellysearch users.
For many millions of businesses the world over, Kellysearch is the only search engine for finding exactly what's needed exactly when it's needed. Whether our users are searching for products, or services, or searching for a market for their products and services, Kellysearch delivers the results that help improve business.
That's a big claim. But it comes from a big search engine. Kellysearch is backed by the Reed Elsevier Business Publishing Group – making Kellysearch one of the largest business search engine resources in the world. We have access to and partnerships with every corner of the Reed Business Information empire and we maximise those opportunities daily as we attract millions of users to Kellysearch and make millions of data entries avai





www kellysearch com uk

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:英国

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