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美国富兰克林马歇尔学院 www.fandm.edu

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Franklin & Marshall was established in 1787 with a gift of 200 British pounds from Benjamin Franklin, and is located in historic Lancaster, a dynamic city with a thriving arts scene.
The College enrolls 2,324 students. The average class size is 19 students, and the student-faculty ratio is 9:1. Our students receive more than $500,000 in research grants every year.
At Franklin & Marshall, we emphasize the life of the mind and provide opportunities for learning while doing.
All students are lifelong members of a College House, five distinct hubs of academic, extracurricular and social engagement in a residential setting. Guided by faculty dons and administrative prefects, students govern their houses, develop leadership skills, and create their own social and intellectual programs.
Students may join one or more of the College’s 115 clubs and organizations, ranging from anime to Ultimate Frisbee. More than three-quarters of students participate in community service, and about one-third belongs to one of 12 Greek organizations.
Our scholar-athletes compete in the NCAA Division III Centennial Conference. The Col


1  美国(87.0%)

franklin and marshall franklin & marshall college

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