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在线免费云笔记本 www.writeapp.me

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All of your writing is kept private by default and is encrypted on and offline for extra security. In addition, you’ll always be connected to the site using 256-bit SSL encryption with HSTS enabled (that means extra security).
Not everything you write has to be kept private. For notes you want to publish, mark them as public and they’ll be available for the whole world to see, complete with commenting, at /your-username.
Great care has been taken to create one of the most delightful writing experiences on the web. The Write.app editor supports fullscreen mode, theming, and Markdown formatting with live-previews.
There’s even more to enjoy with a Premium account! For a limited time you can get all of Write.app’s standard features plus Premium-only features free for life when you claim your free upgrade in your account settings panel.

内容提要:The latest Tweets from Write.app (@WriteappMe). Write in your own private notebook, selectively share and publish notes. (It's easy and totally free...

从write.appZhui新微博(@ writeappme)。写在你自己的私人笔记本,有选择地分享和发...



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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 Microsoft公司

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