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在线多媒体混合工具 www.vuvox.com

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在线多媒体混合工具 直达网站 直达网站

在线多媒体混合工具是一个多媒体合成工具,可以很方便的将用户上传的图片、音乐、视频等数字文件(或者从Flickr、Youtube、Photobucket 等网站外部引用多媒体至 服务器上)在线烧制成一段 Slideshow ,你可以将他们所提供的可嵌入式代码放置到自己的博客中去。

VUVOX 推出了一款名为VUVOX Collage 的互联网服务, 在Collage中,用户可以以多幅图片作为长廊背景,VUVOX Collage 会以时间轴的形式向用户展示你所描述的故事;其中,VUVOX Collage 还融合了Cut-out Express框架羽化工具,你可以尽情的在长廊中畅谈自己的创意并将其巧妙的融入到长廊背景中去;与此同时,在长廊中,用户还可以随意嵌入文字、超链接、幻灯片、音乐以及视频等等,其服务中心仍然紧紧地围绕着VUVOX的超媒体聚合。
VUVOX is an easy to use production and instant sharing service that allows you to mix, create and blend your personal media – video, photos and music into rich personal expressions. VUVOX reflects your life. It gives you the ability to:
- Share your personal media with your network of friends.
- Personalize and customize your media to your heart's content.
- Locate and establish always-on feeds to your personal media.
- Take visual blogging and personal expression to the next level.
VUVOX gives you the power to create one of a kind stories in an instant. All you need to do is provide whatever cool content that you have. Take pictures, video, audio and text. Mix it up. Choose backgrounds, colors, textures that create your vibe and then you are ready to share your piece with the world.



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