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家庭医疗健康社区是美国知名的民生关注类的健康话题社区,成立于2007年;共有大约 500个社群,话题涵盖瘦身、离婚、亲子、生病等等,切得非常细。网站大体上就是一个医疗和健康讨论的网站,还有驻站医师等等,但有一些社群功能像虚拟抱抱等,该网站并没有专业的去搞一些减肥、度假、美妆之类的垂直网,也没有哗网路读者去搞一些八卦、趣味科技、游戏等主题,只是贴近人们每日生活的主题为主,后来被Discovery公司投资的上市公司收购。 was created by internet veterans with more than 20 years of experience conceiving, building, and running the largest communities on the web, including Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Photos, Yahoo Personals, Yahoo Groups, GeoCities, Facebook, My Yahoo, Yahoo Message Boards and more.Currently, is operated by some very passionate and dedicated people that get great satisfaction knowing that our site can be a positive force for everyone who faces challenges in their lives. is proud to feature the following health experts as Advisors to the site. The specialists below are active members of our team, contributing to feature design and community creation. Of course, they also interact and participate as members in their respective areas of expertise.