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社会化购物推荐社区 www.luvocracy.com

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社会化购物推荐社区 直达网站 直达网站

社会化购物推荐社区是一个购物推荐并分享的社会化平台,与其他的购物分享网站类似,但它和别的购物分享社区不太相同的一点是,Luvocracy 会隐藏购买链接,想直接当你Zhui合适的代购。当有人认可你的推荐并产生购买后,你可获得 Luvocracy 的一定比例的提成奖励。

当你在Luvocracy 推荐商品时,会输入商品名称,可购买到该商品的购买地址以及对该商品的评价。但别的用户想购买你推荐的这件东西时,并不会跳转到原始购买地址。而是得选择 BUY IT FOR ME 功能,让Luvocracy全职负责这起代购。
Luvocracy is the way to buy recommended pins, posts, tweets and shares.Members find the best things to buy, meet people through the products they recommend, and give and receive gifts with every purchase.
Tell us the people whose taste you really admire. They become your trusted tastemakers, and their recommendations help you buy better things.
Add the stuff you love to collections for others to see and shop. Each time you buy something, you get the chance to thank the person who made the recommendation and that person earns rewards for helping. Earn rewards when people buy what you recommend, even if someone else passed along your recommendation.
Pretty much anything for sale online can easily be purchased on Luvocracy. Once you set up your account, anything you want to buy is just a click away. A Luvocracy shopping assistant finds the product at a competitive price from a reputable retailer, places the order, and will assist with any glitches or return needs. If a product is sold out, we will scour the world to find some place it is in stock. If it’s out of st


1  美国(33.7%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市AWS有限公司EC2云服务器5号云机房

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