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社会化电子书阅读平台是一可以在线阅读电子书和网页文本的平台,支持多格式文本,帮助用户把网页中的广告剥除,独特的阅读体验,提供读者的阅读效果。DotDotDot也可以说是一个独立的图书管理平台,把你获取的多种格式书籍加以保存,可以保存阅读标签,添加阅读体验,分享给更多的用户,还可以多人交互协作,通过阅读来结交更多的朋友;保存所有的阅读记录,归纳总结阅读知识和体验存档。Read and manage your eBooks independently from any bookstore (supports DRM free ePub format).- Read texts from webpages, like blog posts or articles, in a distraction-free format on your iPad. Save webpages for later reading via our browser bookmarklet. dotdotdot clears away everything but the content and makes long-format texts clean and easy to read.- Interact and collaborate on all your texts: Highlight favorite passages, make comments, and see what others are reading and commenting on. Get inspired by what other people are reading via your community of like-minded people.- Create an archive of all your read knowledge:While you read on dotdotdot, you are building your own personal library of long-format texts, essentially an archive of your read knowledge. You can search all your highlights and quotes, tag them, sort them and never lose an inspirational thought or text again.