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澳洲短片电影节 www.tropfest.com

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Born 20 years ago in a cafe (‘The Tropicana’) in Sydney, Australia, Tropfest is now the world’s largest short film festival. It is supported by some of the biggest names in the international film community and has received thousands of submissions for its film festivals in Australia, Tropfest Arabia in Abu Dhabi , Tropfest USA (in Las Vegas and New York. In 2013 Tropfest premiere in New Zealand and South East Asia.
John Polsonstarted the ‘Tropicana Short Film Festival’ (as it was originally known) as an informal short film screening for cast, crew and friends at the Tropicana Cafe in Sydney’s Darlinghurst. More than 200 people showed up for that first screening. Inspired by the turn out, John decided that a full-fledged short film festival was the next step.


1  澳大利亚(41.9%)

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  • 1 在线创业投资众筹平台
  • 2 电视剧名人采访秀
  • 3 在线大头贴制作工具
  • 4 网站投资评测平台
  • 5 启维趣味网络社区
  • 6 房地产投资众筹平台
  • 7 智能触摸式单行键盘输入法
  • 8 国家地理摄影老照片专题
  • 9 课堂测验管理平台
  • 10 小影网

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