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国家地理摄影老照片专题 www.natgeofound.tumblr.com

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国家地理摄影老照片专题是美国国家地理杂志(National Geographic)为庆祝其125周年而建立的一个专题站点,从国家地理庞大的资料库中选取珍贵的老照片进行发布,其中的很多图片之前从未对外界公布。

FOUND is a curated collection of photography from the National Geographic archives. In honor of our 125th anniversary, we are showcasing photographs that reveal cultures and moments of the past. Many of these photos have never been published and are rarely seen by the public.

We hope to bring new life to these images by sharing them with audiences far and wide. Their beauty has been lost to the outside world for years and many of the images are missing their original date or location.


1  美国(20.6%)

national geographic found national geographic tumblr tumblr photos

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