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生物进化数据分析平台 www.evogeneao.com

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This website seeks to promote the teaching and acceptance of the biological theory of evolution by emphasizing one of its great lessons: that life on Earth is one big extended family, and therefore we are related in an exact way to not only every other living thing, but also to every thing that ever lived. This view of life can be thought of as 'evolutionary genealogy'. The name of this website - evogeneao - (ee-voh-gee-nee-oh) is a play on this term. An early tree of life was published by German biologist Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) in the late 1800's. Haeckel was an early and ardent supporter of Darwin's theory of biological evolution. Haeckel put humans at the top of his tree of life on the same main branch as apes.
To teach this lesson, this website uses a newly created Great Tree of Life diagram, and genealogical estimates of our cousin and removal relationship with fellow creatures.

内容提要:Welcome to evogeneao.com! Our mission is to promote the teaching of evolution by emphasizing its greatest lesson: LIFE ON EARTH IS ONE BIG EXTENDED ...



1  西班牙(35.1%)

the great tree of life poster tree of life evolution tree

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