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社会流行文化交流平台 www.buzznet.com

美国 点击(1491) 全球(61085)

社会流行文化交流平台 直达网站 直达网站


网站是由Marc Brown, Steve Haldane, Kevin Woolery and Anthony Batt于2005年联合创办,起初是联合记者发布图片分享,2007年网站步入正规,成为一个社交类媒体网站。
Buzznet is a community of pop culture addicts, music lovers and trendsetters who come together to share millions of creative photos, videos and blogs.
is a photo, journal, and video-sharing social media network, owned by Buzz Media. Like other social networking sites, Buzznet is a platform for members to share content based on their personal interests. Unlike classic social networking sites, which focus primarily on messaging and profile pages, Buzznet members participate in communities that are created around ideas, events and interests, most predominantly music, celebrities, and the media.


1  印度(38.7%)
2  美国(20.3%)
3  巴基斯坦(4.1%)
4  英国(3.3%)
5  西班牙(2.3%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 Akamai科技公司CDN网络节点

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