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世界经济研究杂志 www.worldpolicy.org

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he World Policy Institute, a non-partisan source of informed policy leadership for more than four decades, develops and champions innovative policies that require a progressive and global point of view. In an increasingly interdependent world, WPI focuses on complex challenges that demand cooperative policy solutions to achieve: an inclusive and sustainable global market economy, engaged global civic participation and effective governance, and collaborative approaches to national and global security
WPI’s Fellows program, regular public and private events, collaborative policy development, media activities, and flagship World Policy Journal provide a forum for solution-focused policy analysis and public debate. Its programs seek to introduce fresh ideas and new voices from around the world on critical shared global issues including migration, climate change, technology, economic development, human rights, and counter-terrorism.
More than 30 senior fellows and program staff—a group of accomplished policy analysts, journalists and writers—give the institute a distinctive voice in national and international affairs.


1  美国(31.9%)
2  俄罗斯(2.4%)

world policy journal innovation neal stephenson surveillance

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