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在线绘画艺术图库 www.gallerix.ru

俄罗斯 点击(1601) 全球(70391)

在线绘画艺术图库 直达网站 直达网站


.ru - non-commercial project, the purpose of which is to promote the art of painting among the general population and to meet the desire for beauty in people who are unable to personally visit the museums, often located on the impressive distance from their homes. The main emphasis is placed on the completeness of the presentation and quality of reproductionsPresented in the release site.
But virtual reproduction never fully replace the experience of visiting the museum and the contemplation of works of art in person. Therefore, despite the objectives of the project, many visitors to the site after viewing the virtual galleries are eager to see their favorite masterpieces with your own eyes.


1  俄罗斯(59.0%)
2  德国(5.7%)
3  乌克兰(4.7%)
4  以色列(3.5%)
5  美国(2.5%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:德国

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  • 5 在线漫画制作分享社区
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