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动漫制作共享社区是一个提供连环漫画创作服务的网站,Pixton允许在创作用户同意的前提下,对创作的漫画作品进行在创作。操作很简单,首先先给创作的漫画起个名字,然后,你可以增加人物,元素,对话,做完一页可以增加新的漫画页。创作的可以通过Js代码将漫画显示在你的Blog或者网站上面,有完全显示和缩略图显示两种模式,Pixton还融入了社会性的元素,对创作的漫画,按照其评论数,浏览数等进行浏览,所有的漫画还按照Tag由用户进行了标注。Create your own cartoons with fully posable characters & animals! Upload pictures, create freestyle panel layouts, add sound & voice-over, and much more! Join our growing vibrant community. Pixton is awesome!Pixton introduces the world to Click-n-Drag Comics™, a revolutionary new patented technology that gives anyone the power to create amazing comics on the web.From fully posable characters to dynamic panels, props, and speech bubbles, every aspect of a comic can be controlled in an intuitive click-n-drag motion.Winning over 10 prestigious awards, Pixton Comics was named a “leading Web 2.0 pioneer” and “one of the 20 companies driving innovation and changing the way we use the Internet” by Backbone Magazine / KPMG.
内容提要:The world's most popular and easy to use comic and storyboard creator. English English English espaol franais ...世界...